Sunday, November 30, 2008

NaBloPoMo, Day 30: The End

Reader, today is the last day of NaBloPoMo. Can I get an amen? I loved being in the habit of writing everyday; of course contributing to lost productivity in the workplace is something I'm always proud of. Yes, there were some days the proverbial well was dry. Those were the days where cute animal videos featured heavily.

Luckily, this was a pretty eventful November. I mined the historical election and Prop 8 about a million times, here and here for example. The ever-worsening economy provided additional fodder, forcing us to learn about The Glass Steagal Act. There was non-political stuff, too: bizarro molecular gastronomy, nitpicky grammar and manners, the science behind biologics, and the awesomeness of Paul Rudd and Mad Men.

Thanks for reading and commenting this month, reader. I'm taking a short break from posting, so I'll say it now: Christmas carols? Already sick of them.

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