Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weekend at Home

For ladies' brunch today I made this yummy frittata with onions, potatoes and Gorgonzola. It was easy and delicious though not terribly heart-smart. But does Gorgonzola cheese have anything to do with the Gorgon? Disturbing.

Medusa screams in horror as she contemplates her skyrocketing LDL.

Josie is back from the vet, sans girly parts. Here she is attempting to groom herself but succeeding only in licking her own funnel. Doesn't that sound dirty?

Poor Gus got booted out of the bedroom. Too much unpredictable pouncing near fresh sutures. Supervised naps are good for everyone, though.

Gus is a trooper for snuggling up with piece of plastic.

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